Mon 27 Jan
♥OUTcaLL SpEci@l N iNCaLl *( :: * oOo * !!CAN YOU HANDLE ME?!! ♥ * oOo * :: )* ♥ - 20
(Montgomery, eastern blvd.)
Leaving at 11am!!!!! Sunday!! TODaY!!!! MAGIC **TALL GEORGIA SNOWBUNNY!!** - 21
(Montgomery, East Blvd)
🍰 Visiting!🍰 Super Sexy Super Tasty Sweet Treat 🍰 50 Specials!🍰 Jessica Redd 🍰 2 Girl Shows - 29
(Montgomery, Montgomery exit 6)
❤ Watch My PHAT BOOTY❥— I can take it! ❥——»ImAgInE WhAt It FeeLS LikE (678)554-8115 ❤ - 21
(Huntsville, ❤ KERRI (678)554-8115)
××× ¥♥UNG&H0T;&₩!Ld ¤Southern ¤ Comfort¤ ★•☆•★•☆**New Pics 10/24!¡!** - 21
(Montgomery, Downtown at my place availabe 24/7)
The best $55★The FREAKIEST # ❶Top【 F¡√ε ★ Ρใคұ๓คҭє 】 【SL¡ppєrY SPeciaLS☎ 【δωεε† & Kinky】 24/7 - 23
(Montgomery, NEWPIC 03/19/13 100% REAL IN/OUTCALLS)
S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot!STalliON!New IN TOwn!LAst Day!Thick B0mb Sh3LL INCALL $P3CIAL$ - 26
(Birmingham, Homewood oxmoor road/surrounding area)
*S-W-E-E-T*-== *CARAMEL* == TReAT * ★ (*)(*) & ( | ) LoVERs #1 ChOiCe ★** 75sPeCiAl - 22
(85n eastern blvd)
o_O Double your FuN {{{2 girl}}}T.G.I.F. specials! M.I.L.F. and daughter - 24
(Montgomery, Montgomery ins and outcalls)
(NEW)💙💙 ( One of a kind.)here to b*ow your Mind 😎👀850)296-8612👀😎Im Waiting! - 33
(Montgomery, exit 6, EASTERN BLVD.Montgomery,ALA.)
You can have this dream girl once in a lifetime experience - 19
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa, In town)
I'm here!!(Candy) 100% real,Outcall specials all night!!Make appt now - 25
(Montgomery, Montgomery Alabama ( outcall only))
ExOtIC °° BuStY ° CrEoLe °TeMpTaTiOn ° YoUr GuIlT FrEe ChOcOlAtE, SeXy ° DoLl w/ ReViEwS - 21
(Montgomery, Check Website for reviews)
New! Azz like a Kardashian... Thick %%% Juicy %%% 100 Special - 30
(Montgomery, East Blvd.. In/ Out)
Incall The queen ASHLYN! 👑💙 new in town. Doing outcalls. I'm the best 👌💓 text me for deals - 23
°°•★•°° Independent °°•★•°° SeXy EboNy Upscale Companion Visiting TODAY!!!
(Montgomery, Montgomery and Birmingham)
NEW IN TOWN & ARRIVING FRIDAY. Ms.Phat Kat.ThE BeSt EvEr! CoMe See FoR YouRseLf!24/7 Hours! - 27
Colubus Ebony and Destiny in town for the weekend Giving 50$ special for the first time 334-202-1318 - 21
(Montgomery, TROY HIGHWAY)
Brittany the Brainiac Be back Tuesday!!! BuBBle Butt Pretty Face Slimmm waist - 30
(Montgomery, montgomery incall/outcall)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
Stop Stressing about picking a bad girl, I'm always the right Choice.... - 26
(Huntsville, call and ask i may come to your area)
🌟⭐🌟kay-leigh is back by popular demand speacials so come unwind here only until noon 😘❤❇💜💗💙 - 24
(Montgomery, eastern blvd)
**Your Dream Girls Ready To Please You** 2_Girl Specials Available - 20
(Montgomery, Montgomery Where You Want To Be)
Report Ad EBONY BEAUTY °x° SEXY SLIM °x° IM THE ONE °x° YOU WANT & NEED °x° - 22
(Montgomery, Ann street exit)
Smoking Hot, Seductive, Sexy and Sweet -- Feel the Heat with Me! - 19
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa, In your arms ;))
Fri 10 Jan
👋 Spank Me 👋 White Girl 💎Eye Candy 💋 Big Booty💲(Exit 11) - 25
(Montgomery, Montgomery, AL / Pratville, AL)
Thu 09 Jan
*-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* JUST ARRIVED *-:¦:-* 757 -227-7210 - 18
(Montgomery, incalls only-24/7)
Wed 08 Jan
Sensual & Erotic Pampering Fit for a King -- Reviewed Visiting from the ATL - 33
(Montgomery, Montgomery Upscale Hotel)
Tue 07 Jan
$Ms.limber is here wit tha $65 special going on all day come and get it and new real pics!$ - 27
(Montgomery, eastern blvd)
¯`'.☆. ·'´¯) M°_R _° S°_° ° ° ❤ C °A°L °I (¯`'.☆. ' ´¯) - 20
Sexual enhancement right now! - 23
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Right here, Tuscaloosa)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
☃I WiLl MakE u FeEl ❄ LiKe A kId @ CHRISTMAS ☃ N€W P!CS GONE @ 7AM - 69
(Montgomery, €XIT 6 UND€R TH€ MISTL€TO€/LEAVING @ 7AM)
Fri 03 Jan
Brand SPANKING New to Montgomery BP ** aMaZiNg50 HoLiDaY 50sPeCiAlS ** wHiTe & nAtIvE AmErIcan MiX - 19
(Montgomery, I-85 exit 11 Eastchase)
Thu 02 Jan